
We are the strategic partner to develop engineering, supervision, construction and integral EPC and EPCM services projects in the region.


We are the company with the most experience in mining construction in Latin America.

We participate from the engineering, construction and commissioning of the project. This experience has led us to develop projects across borders and become the company with the most experience in mining construction in Latin America, taking our knowledge to 7 countries in the region. 

We work in

Mineral Processing Plants
PADS / Tailing Dams
Tunnels / Ramps and Galleries

Mining in figures

+80 mining locations in the region
38 concentrator plants
55 ball mills
24 SAG mills
+160 thousand m³ of concrete
19 mining camps
10 framework contracts


We have extensive experience in carrying out road works, tunnels and dams; We work with the best team of professionals and technicians, as well as a fleet of state-of-the-art equipment.

Serving our clients since 1933, we play a leading role in the most representative infrastructure projects in the region, such as the Lima Metro in its sections I and II, as well as recently, the improvement of its infrastructure, and the Red Vial 5 highway, among others

We work in

Infrastructure in figures

1st Lima's Metro built
+2,000 km of roads
+100 km de tunnels, ramps and galleries


During these years we have executed various energy projects in Latin America, which over time has contributed to an improvement in the quality of life of millions of residents.

We have more than 60 years in the energy sector throughout Latin America, our projects range from the Cañón del Pato Hydroelectric Power Plant in the 1950s, through the Hydroelectric Power Plant in Ralco, Chile, until 2016 with the second most important Hydroelectric Power Plant. great from Peru; the Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric Plant, with a capacity of 510 MW.


We work in

Hydroelectric Power Plants
Transmission Lines
Thermal Power Plants

Energy in figures

+80 energy projects in the region
17 Hydroelectric Power Plants
21 Transmission Lines
7 Tailiing dams built
+3,500 KM of transmission lines
+3,000 MW installed in hydroelectric power plants and thermal power plants
+45 KM of tunnels for hydraulic projects

Oil and Gas

We have participated in the main projects throughout the region for more than 60 years.

Our main projects include gas processing plants, hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation works. Additionally, we develop oil and gas pipelines in Peru and Colombia.

We work in

Refineries and Processing Plants
Gas and Oil Pipelines
Upstream facilities and plants

Oil and Gas in figures

40 Oil and Gas projects in the region
+1,500 km of oil and gas pipelines
25 years of various works in the peruvian jungle


Since 1933 we have played a leading role in the main building projects carried out in the region.

We are the company with the most experience in the construction of buildings of any type in all of Peru and one of the most recognized in Latin America. We have a team of highly qualified professionals, technicians and workers, with proven efficiency in the most complex tasks.

We work in

Health centers
Educational centers

Buildings in figures

2 new cities
35 hotels
+30,000 housing units
9 shopping centers
+100 HA office spaces


Since the beginning of our company, we have carried out various water projects, which has resulted in a greater availability of this resource in millions of people.

We are committed to the development of the region and we recognize the importance of the Water and Sanitation sector. For this reason, we identify specific needs and propose innovative solutions that set the standard and act for the development of Latin America.

We work in

Water in figures

+7 water treatment plants
1 construction of the largest irrigation project in Peru
+5 million people benefited