Santa Teresa Hydroelectric Plant

Located in the provinces of La Convencion and Urubamba in the Cuzco region at 2,438 meters above sea level, the implementation of the plant will allow increasing the supply of electricity in the southern part of the country

Project description:

The plant will take advantage of the turbine waters of the Machupicchu I and II Hydroelectric Plants to generate around 722 GWh of energy annually.

This is a pass-through plant, that is, it does not require a reservoir or dam. The work was carried out in a consortium with Astaldi and is owned by Luz del Sur.


Our services include:


  • Accesses, loading chamber and tunnel, compensation chamber, by pass and conduction tunnel of 4 km of 6.5 x 6.5 m section, oscillation chamber, powerhouse in cavern, high pressure tunnel, vertical shaft, chimney of balance, among others.

General information

  • Client: Luz del Sur
  • Location: Cusco, Peru
  • Period: 2012 – 2015

Main data

  • Power: 98 mw
  • Flow: 61 m3/s
  • Asphalt concrete: 24,200 m3
  • Turbines: 2 x 49 Francis type
  • Tunnel: 4 km of 6.5 x 6.5 of section
  • N° of MH: 2,5 MM

Important figures

4km of conduction tunnel
24,000 m³ of concrete
4 MM Man-hours

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