Project description:
The Quinua – San Francisco highway, in its Section 2 (Km 78 + 540 to Km 173 + 270) is located within the Provinces of Huamanga, Huanta and La Mar in the department of Ayacucho. It works as an intra-regional interconnection between the Andean zone and the upper jungle of the department in question, and at an extra-regional level with the jungle area of the province of La Convencion, in Cusco. It is a work of high national importance because it is located in the VRAEM Region (Valle de los Ríos Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro), where the State wishes to have a greater presence and the highway will be an important means of communication. This project covers altitudes that vary from 3,822 meters above sea level at the beginning of the section, and 644 meters above sea level at the end of it.
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